Sunday 7 December 2014

Risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

Here is the risk assessment I created with my group:

Description o
f hazard
Prevention of hazard
Using a very dangerous, sharp knife
Make sure hand is secure to prevent it to drop and when running keep away from body
Being in a dark alley-way or forest
Making sure all members of group are cautious, bring spare lights to prevent any sort of danger
Pedestrians walk past while shooting which can ruin a certain scene
Make sure each time we are filming, no one is passing by and to make it obvious we are filming and do not want to be disturbed.
Battery draining when shooting
Make sure every time we shoot, camera has been charged to its fullest
Risk of falling in river
Stay stable, make sure actor is cautious and careful.

It is important to fill out a risk assessment prior to shooting a film or anything of the sort as without assessing elements of your filming which could go wrong before arriving on set then the chances of these things going wrong will increase as you haven't properly acknowledged them and therefore won't be as prepared to deal with them. In some instances you may be able to change something so to make this aspect of your filming safer however sometimes these will be things which you will struggle to change so what you will have to do is to find a way of handling said situation so to avoid risk and keep all involved in the production safer.

One way in which we did this was when it came to the decision of how we would handle the issue of working with a very sharp and obviously dangerous knife. We discussed how it would have to be used with caution especially during the scene where Brittany runs into the kitchen to collect it for protection as the kitchen floor is rather slippery and the characters costume only includes wearing socks on her feet therefore when running I as the actress portraying Brittany will have to be extra cautious of my step.

Whilst filming we found that we had the problem of filming in areas which were open to the general public. Although we were aware that there may be times when we would have to stop filming during to passers by we didn't expect to receive as many personal encounters with members of the public as did we. On one occasion whilst filming a scene at night we were approached by a alcohol intoxicated man who although was rather polite continuously demanded to view our filming and stating that he should be in it informing us that he would come back with a costume on telling us that he would make it much scarier. Not only was this distracting us and taking valuable time away from our filming but it was also slightly frightening when he got rather close in  members of the groups faces. Unfortunately this was not our only problem when facing the public, another time whilst filming in an alleyway we were approached by men in a car again this was another slightly frightening encounter which took concentration away from our film. However general members of the public simply being around us when filming was a problem regardless of whether or not we interacted with them for instance people walking dogs, going for a run, etc as it meant that they may interrupt our filming simply by being there. Hearing them on camera could also have a negative effect on our film as it could  potentially ruin a scene or they may even walk by the camera hence being seen on camera and ruining that shot. To avoid this problem whenever we could hear people in the distance we would stop filming and wait for them to go by.

The locations chosen for our filming were also generally just places where it was good to be on caution e.g filming in a forest or a dark alleyway for obvious reasons. So to make sure we were careful and prevent anything bad from happening we made sure that we stayed fairly close together and knew exactly where everyone was the entire time. We also made use of the torches on our phones when needed.

Filming around the river meant that there was risk of one of our team members falling in especially for myself portraying Brittany standing on the bridge over the river preparing herself for her suicide. So to avoid this complication I personally had to make sure I was holding on to the side well and was stable with my movement. Generally all of us working around it made sure we didn't stand to close to the river and avoided running around certain edges where we were likely to loose control of our grip on and slip down into the river.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose it has to a production. The table that you have included helps to demonstrate some evidence of group planning, but you need to elaborate on the prevention areas in further detail.

    Did you counter any more risks while filming?
