Sunday 14 December 2014

Group meeting - Miss Georgiou

This tables displays information about when we had our group meetings and what we had to discuss within them:

To be done by
By whom
To decide a group narrative
All group members
Various ideas were discussed and a mindmap was created by the group. Eventually we decided on a narrative about….
Planning the opening sequence
Planning the opening sequence
All group members
Within this meeting we had a discussion into the general presentation of the sequence, the layout and the different microelements.
Planning mise en scene
All group members
We discussed the mes en scene shown throughout the film including; the presentation of characters, iconography and setting
Elements, examples and effects created
All group members
Planning sounds
All group members
We decided upon the different sounds used to effect in the clip. Specifically thinking of a sound for each scene 
8. 09.14
Planning editing styles
8. 09.14
All group members
We discussed specific ways in which we can use our editing techniques to good effect
Planning opening credits
All group members
We each designed our individual credits, putting them together and deciding about the final credits seen in our sequence
Planning characters
All group members
We talked, in detail, about the names of each character in the sequence and how they will be presented in the sequence
Group story board
All group members
During this meeting we put together our different individual story boards and came to a final idea about how we are going to produce our clip
Filming schedule and risk assessment
All group members
We developed pur filming schedule and risk assessment to insure that our filming and editing went smoothly and efficiently
Filming the thriller
All group members
The filming itself was split into various days. We used our storyboard and film schedule to insure it went to plan

It is very important that we keep track of what is being dealt with within our meetings so that we know the
meetings are being put to proper use and we are doing as we said we would as well as keeping us organised.

Initially our group didn't work so well together as a whole. Whilst myself and Emma found each other easy to work with we found ourselves struggling to deal with the frustrations Harry brought onto us. We found that often he was changing the story-line without asking or even speaking to either of us he was simply declaring these changes as though they were nothing new. This was a highly frustrating aspect to work with as it meant that Harry was on a completely different page to us, as well as delaying us from being able to move onto other elements of our planning as we would have to re-sort the story-line out all over again, plus the added confusion this was adding onto the group. This further displays the importance of having group meetings without them Harry would have created a completely different concept to our opening sequence to the one myself and Emma believed we had created as a group.

Here are some of the different elements to our planning:

planning miss en scene:

planning sound:

risk assessment:

1 comment:

  1. This needs to be finished so that I can mark it. Please refer back to the lesson, which will assist you with completing this post.
