Tuesday 7 October 2014

Opening sequence analysis - Miss Geogiou

How does the opening sequence of the film 'Halloween', inform the audience of the conventions of a thriller film?  

The above clip is of the opening scene from 1978 thriller/horror 'Halloween', an opening scene has many purposes within a thriller film, for instance it sets the tone of the genre and creates the right atmosphere for it. It may also introduce the possible situations as it gives the audience an idea of whats to come, often opening sequences introduce the narrative to the audience/main character/characters possibly the antagonist. Opening sequences for thrillers are known to contain numerous different things such as four micro elements, opening credits, main characters, thriller conventions - Enigma, yet they're also known for not giving too much information away.

The film begins with the use of slow editing within is continued throughout the majority of the clip, this contrasts the later actions of our killer as it makes appear much more innocent than they actually are, it also creates suspense as the camera angle is causing viewers to look at the house much more closely and guess what may be about to happen.

Although there aren't many characters within this scene a lot of character work has still taken place, our killer is unknown to us until the very end of the scene, this is achieved through 'pov' camera shots, not only does this create suspense as we watch through the killers eyes with no idea who they may be but it also creates the surprise which later comes through realizing that the killer is in fact a small child as well as the Enigma, suspense, shock all of which relates this idea to a convention of a thriller. The audience question why Micheal decided to take his own sisters life, being that he is only a young child and it is his sister that he killed the answer is likely to be much more physiological which again is conventional to the thriller genre, so is our victim a young female typical of thriller.

Cinematography techniques are used throughout the duration of the clip, a zoom out camera shot is used as our antagonist is shown to be a child this shocks the audience as it really clarifies the situation for them, it becomes apparent that these people finding Micheal are actually the young boys parents as they are clearly standing outside their house it is obvious that it was his sister who he just killed. Pov shots are used they give the audience the perspective of the antagonist and hides his identity from the audience to lead up to the big reveal of who he actually is.

The soundtrack can have a massive impact on a thriller film, we hear the voices of young children singing a rhyme this is classed as off screen sound as although we can hear it we cannot actually see on screen where the sound is coming from, children are generally viewed as innocent this prepares the audience of contrast between the children and the devil and informs the audience of a young killer. Whilst our antagonist is watching his sister through the window there is silence this gives of the impression of a obsessed theme this would be diegetic/ parallel sound. On screen sound is used when we hear Micheal killing his sister, we also hear the sound of the clock ticking and the sound of someone walking up the stairs this demonstrates that our victims time is running out this would be diegetic sound.

The scene is conventional to that of a thriller in a variety of different ways, low key lighting is used as the antagonist  is walking towards the house which leads to shadows, that build up suspense as the audience doesn't know whats there. A young female victim is used, as is the use of a hidden identity, another typical character trait used within 'Halloween' conventional to a thriller would be that the antagonist is a male.

Many typical narrative traits are used during the scene, the film is based on Halloween night hence there is evil, costumes and murder. There is shock once the mask is taken off from the boys face, applied with suspense as the audience wonders what will happen next, Enigma - we want to know why he done it especially as it is his sister some viewers may question her earlier behavior and wonder of her treatement towards her brother after all it doesn't seem right for her to be acting so promiscuously with her little brother  at home.

Editing like in many films of the genre is used a lot, there is slow editing which prolongs the sequence, the protagonist walking up the stairs slowly builds suspense and tension. There is a reaction shot when the mask is taken off of Micheal's face, the audience is shocked as is Michael's parents as the realization of what has just happened comes to light, the temp increases after murder because the antagonist wants to get away which excites and engages the audience further.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Halloween demonstrates a proficient understanding of what an opening sequence is. You have identified the main micro elements and you have considered some of the examples, but further points are needed. You have also focused on the role of the thriller conventions and have started to considered the effect that is created, however this needs to be elaborated further.

    To develop your analysis further, you need to include screenshots to support the points that you have made. You also need to focus more on the shock, surprise and suspense elements.
