Tuesday 14 October 2014

Group narrative - Miss Georgiou

Group narrative

For the production of my thriller film I am working in a group alongside fellow media students Harry osborn and Emma Allen.

My narrative post:

- hidden identity
- we see the antagonist but never their face
-cliff hanger
-his a psychopath
-bad childhood
-dark/deserted setting
-the killer kills those closet to her - so to strip her of friends/ family
-left on her own, we feel sympathy, clip ends, enigma

The main theme for my narrative is insanity. The idea of the antagonist being mentally unstable and this is what is coursing him to act out on such a scarily strange obsession with the victim in such a way.

Harry's narrative post:

-flash backs
-plot twist, decides against suicide due to kind old women
-kind old women dies, clip ends, enigma

I like the narrative ideas Harry provided during our group discussion. Straight away as he was explaining them and as we were talking through my ideas I could see ways in which our two narratives could link up together well. For instance the idea with suicide being portrayed within a film can be connected to the idea of being mentally unwell as well as the concept of either being a stalker yourself or the effects of what being stalked by someone can do to you. Harry's idea of a kind old woman dying can easily be put to a murder which fits part of my narrative of friends and family of the victim being killed off and stripped away from her. This will make her much more vulnerable and provide the audience with further reasons to feel sorrow and have empathy towards her.

Emma's narrative post: 

-Female victim - making it more sympathetic for the audience
- Murder
- Kidnapped
- Cliff hanger
- Iconography (weapons such as knifes representing danger)

I think the idea of having a female victim is definitely the right victim for us to use and this is often done within thriller films hence the creation of 'scream queens'. Like myself Emma also went with the idea of a cliff hanger I think this is very important considering we are only filming the opening sequence we cannot give too much away as the rest of the film may then becoming boring to the audience. I also think that iconography is needed as it displays just how unstable the antagonist is and really confirms their intentions to the audience.

Final narrative:

-main scene, about to commit, bridge
-stalking, outside victims house, in schools, stalks family

Our own narrative suits the theory of Todorov, our narrative starts with disequilibrium as it begins with our victim standing on a bridge about to jump off hence committing suicide, this is conventional to a thriller as it is physiological there is a twisted reasoning behind this young girls suicide attempt which the audience is set to later discover.  The audience is made to feel sense of relief which brings in our equilibrium as a friendly citizen guides our character out of the direction of killing herself. Our story ends on and disequilibrium as this kind woman is then killed herself via the man who it appears had made this poor girl so distraught that she was planning to take her own life.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques. This is because you have not fully explored the advantages and disadvantages of each group member and therefore you need to elaborate on your points further. You also need to ensure that you have fully included the group members' narrative, as bullet points does not demonstrate any understanding of what the narrative is!

    You then need to explain what the final group narrative is and how you all decided on this.
