Monday 13 October 2014

Individual narrative ideas - Miss Georgiou

Why is a narrative important? 

A narrative is an important factor to have within a thriller film for a variety of different reasons. The narrative is the art of telling a story, story telling is an important part of our lives and is something which we value highly as we are involved in it everyday, taking into consideration how much time we spend retelling story's to friends family etc, watching television and film, reading, etc.

Without a narrative there would be no story, we need our narrative to have our film revolve around, without a narrative there would be no structure to the story's behind our films nor would there be an outcome.

My narrative
- hidden identity
- we see the antagonist but never their face
-cliff hanger
-his a psychopath
-bad childhood
-dark/deserted setting
-the killer kills those closet to her - so to strip her of friends/ family
-left on her own, we feel sympathy, clip ends, enigma

Mise en scene:

Flash backs
Deserted area - bridge in the middle of no where etc
Daylight - to contrast

Death/ murder
Surprise, shock and suspense

Victim - typical attractive young girl
Antagonist - old man
A friendly bystander who attempts to resolve the situation

Overall I wanted my narrative to be a rather dark one, I wanted it to be a noticeably psychological thriller in order for this to happen I want the film to really have the audience thinking, not just about what is on screen but the connotations of what they are being shown could mean. I also want audience members to be considering what may happen next,  I wanted them thinking about the well being of Brittany's mentality, trying to work out what could be ruining through Steve's mind considering why he is so mentally unstable.

I decided that a hidden identity would be good to use for our antagonist as this brings added fear to the character, this may also hint towards our antagonists unstable mind as often these characters are mentally ill, this would also be a good effect to use as it is a convention towards a thriller. It is important to add conventions of the genre within our film so that the audience can identity if with actually being a thriller and would feel disappointed, making sure we add conventions can also help us to determine whether our thriller really fits the genre and is living up to it's potential for the thriller audience. The idea of a hidden identity has been used many times before both for the different effects that it can bring to the narrative and the different elements you can develop from it. For instance often characters with a hidden identity such as in the Scream series appear to have a split personality. In their everyday life they appear rather normal, much like everyone else, not someone you would associate with the mad killings of the series however once they prep themselves to become this serial killer they suddenly become this completely different person capable of all kinds of evil things. Hence the hidden identity would be a good way to display our mentally unstable protagonist as it both suggests/hints towards him being unwell.

As we are only filming the opening sequence to our film it is important that we don't give too much away within the opening of our film. If the audience is provided with too much to soon the rest of the film can become boring as most of the important/interesting information would have already been given away and the rest of the film would become rather boring and appear to be dragging. So to save this from happening I think that we best finish our opening sequence on a cliff hanger.

Both myself and the other members of my group shall all share our own narrative ideas with each other and then put them all together so to create a narrative of our own as a group. We shall share our ideas in one of our group meetings by simply talking everyone through our own ideas and seeing who's ideas we would like to work with best and how we could better any potential ideas.


  1. You have made a start in considering a narrative for your opening sequence to a thriller. However, your narrative is a little difficult to understand and this is because you have only included bullet points to explain your narrative, which is a little vague and difficult to understand. Therefore, you need to elaborate on the points that you have included, by exploring your points in further detail.

    Also aim to explain how you will share this information within your group.

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound understanding of a narrative for your thriller film and this is because you have explored your sequence in further detail, which helps to visualise your sequence further.
