Monday 17 November 2014

Planning opening credits - Miss Georgiou

Planning for opening credits

Opening credits have many uses within the thriller genre they allow the audience the knowledge of the different roles both within the production of the film as well as on screen and who they are taken out by i.e lighting,directing, acting etc. Credits also inform the audience of the production company for said film are, they also remind the audience of the film title hence enforcing the theme of it by bringing the title back to the for front, opening credits are able to introduce the set mood and theme for the film as well as the style for the film. The opening credits of a film can give audience members an idea of what to expect through out and set the tone indicating what the audience can expect and encouraging them to make guesses as to what is to happen along the way making the audience more engaged with the film hence making it a more interesting watch. 


The above clip is of the opening sequence to thriller film se7en, I chose to analyse this thriller opening sequence in preparation to making my own as I enjoyed watching this opening as I found it interesting, as you watch you will notice many ways in which the opening sequence is conventional to the thriller genre.

The actual credits themselves are in black and white, black being a colour which suggests many of life's horrors such as death hence foreshadowing what is to come, white is often used in an attempt to create a rather innocent vibe, the two together indicate the cruel murder of innocent people being taken out by people an antagonist or even a group of antagonists. Therefore the black and white credits within this scene represent the relationship between our Antagonist, Carol, Brittany and our audience. As well as the themes of black and white there are also flashes of red throughout the sequence which again represents future death the colour red often conveying back to blood. 

Font is a very important characteristic of the credits. The physical writing of the credits appears as though it was very sloppily hand written, said type of font represents the personality of the man whom we are watching take out such tasks it shows how mentally unstable he is this goes along with him cutting things up etc it shows him to be creating something which is clearly sick and twisted yet he finds that he is able to do this as though it is normal with ease and little thought. The writing is shown randomly at random points hence showing displaying his un-stability. 

Said opening sequence illustrates many typical traits of the genre you would expect to see such as low key lighting which is able to make a scene much more tense and serious as well as more intimate making it a good feature for a thriller film. Enigma is also used through out, whilst the character is sharpening the knife on his thumb all three key elements of a thriller shock, suspense and surprise are developed the knife itself is a key form of iconography as well as the action of planning the victims death.

The credits within thriller Se7en begin with the production name, after which they move onto the director the director for Se7en displays their name twice within the opening credits once at the start and at the end however director's usually just have their name displayed at the end of the credits right before the start of their film. After the director is credited for the first time the audience is then shown the name of two actors from the film. Generally the first actors credited are those who are the most reoccurring or are appear first. After the first two actors are shown the title of the film appears in bigger font than the rest of the credits so to really make it stand out by drawing the audiences attention to it and showing how important it is after the title the credits return to introducing the actors. 

For our opening credits I think that we should create something which will convey the mystery discovered through out our film, as well as features elements which are conventional to a thriller hence reforming the idea of the fear factor, this can be reenforced through the use of our chosen colour scheme etc. 

My design for our style of font:

I think the best thing about my opening credits is the smaller font showing who the film was directed by, I think this is the best aspect of it as like the credits in Se7en it is rather sloppy, life like child's writting which is very convnetional to a thriller for said reasons. However I still think as a group we could create something better for our opening squence. I like the blurred effect I have on the title as it goes past however I think the actual font itself appears a bit basic and doesnt look particulary professional nor does the actual title itself particually stand out to a thriller although it fits to one as it doesnt conotate anything particualry happy happening within the film I still want the font to be more clear so to very attractive the audiences attention to the fear factor of the film and get them hocked with it from the minute the begin watching.

My team members style of font:

Emma's style: 

Although I can see ways in which this is conventional to a thriller as the colouring is very well suited I think there are ways in which our title could be more conventional to a thriller and a little more interesting and eye catching. However I like the colour scheme and I like that it isn't to chaotic and really focuses on the title it self so not to take anything away from it  this is conventional to a thriller as a thriller keeps you focused on the frightening aspects of itself. I think we should add something to the title font as I did in mine such as a blur or something more effective as it could stop it from looking so basic.

Harry's style: 

Personally I like Harry's font design the best, not only do I see ways in which it is conventional to a thriller but I also see it suiting our own film individually as it is rather fitting to the on goings of our film hence also suiting the genre.

As a group we have decided to use Harry's style of credits to work on as they ticked all of our boxes, we saw ways in which it was conventional to a thriller, the colour scheme suited our narrative, we saw potential in it, etc. We plan to have our  credits appear separately for crediting different people  taking out different roles. We will credit everyone who take an acting role as well as everyone who worked on the film so it shall mainly be our group however we have other people to thank as well. They will be scattered as cross the showing of our opening sequence much like the way they are in se7en. We will aim to display them so not to draw attention away from the main events of the scene. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what the purpose of opening credits are. The analysis points that you have included on Se7en demonstrates you understanding of the codes and conventions well, which is also evident through your own designs.

    Your individual font designs demonstrate proficient understanding of thriller themes and conventions that you are inspiring in creating. Now you need to consider what design of fonts you will work on for your opening sequence. Also you need to focus on what the credits will say and also where they will appear.
