Monday 10 November 2014

Planning editing styles - Miss Georgiou

It is important for us to plan our editing styles now so that we can gain a better understanding of how we would like our opening sequence to develop as a finished product. This will also help us with our filming so that we will have a better idea of what it is we are trying to create and how we are trying to tell our narrative before we arrive. Hence filming should run more smoothly and we should have more time to focus on the actual filming rather than planning it all out.

Reaction shot
Within our opening sequence we will shoot a reaction shot as they are a good way in which to show fear and feelings of anxiety in which the character of choice is either expressing or experiencing. This would be conventional to a thriller as often reaction shots are used to express what certain characters are feeling. As there is a relationship evolving between both the audience members and said character. The audience is made to feel sorrow/sympathy for the characters as they view their negative emotions they are able to relate with them and feel upset simply because said character is.This is a convention of the thriller genre as it is a technique which is often used so to get the audience to connection more with a character hence building more of a relationship with them and therefore effecting them more when something bad happens to said character. Audience members are also able to sympathise more when she is in trouble or any general form of danger. Her facial expressions are going to be clearly shown within the our opening sequence from the off set and throughout in every scene she is experiencing some negative emotion related towards being fearful,this clarifies the paranoia she is going through although she is right about the fact that she is being stalked she has no solid evidence to back this up nor is she certain herself maybe she is just imaging it? This whole concept is what is really playing on Brittany's mind and therefore making her unwell. This is conventional to a thriller as often within thriller films the effects of the victims situation are demonstrated so to make the scenario taken more seriously by the viewers and to make it more realistic these combined make the story-line much more frightening. After all the scene where she feels that someone dangerous is coming up behind her only for it to turn out to be an innocent everyday jogger shows that this wouldn't be the first time she was wrong about something regarding the situation it also shows how paranoid it has made her and how fearful she has become when doing the simplest things which she done with the some ease prior to the realisation that someone was trailing her. 

Another  type of editing style we will be using within our opening sequence is filters, we have selected to use this technique as it can help highlight a situation and really help to showcase something which we want the audience to pick up on and take note of. We will be using said technique throughout our flashback scenes to show a severe past event which has left her traumatised. We will put the filters into effect by having produced dark colours in order to represent low key lighting, which is conventional towards a thriller film as it conveys that there is something bad about to happen or some form of danger as well as indicating that this is something from the past,using black and white colouring often relates that a scene that is from the past as this refers back to old black and white films. This shall also help audience members work out that they are in fact watching a flash back and help them tell apart the scenes from the past and present day. It is key that the audience is able to make the transition between the different time periods within our opening sequence so that they are able to fully understand the concept of our narrative. Flashbacks are conventional to a thriller as they are known to be used within the thriller genre so to help give audience members background information on the story so to help them understand what it is that they are watching in present day. This adds to the effect of a thriller as often it displays just how dark said situation is. Also using filters to clarify the different time stages to the audience will help to make it more frightening as if they were unable to tell these differences the film would likely to confuse them hence they would be likely to loose interest and not be scared. Darker colours such as black also fore-shadow the death of victim character 'Carol' and hint at the dark happenings of the film again this is conventional to thrillers as often within films of said genre future happenings are hinted at so to keep audience members waiting upon them and therefore keeping them fixed on watching the film.

Timing of shots
Yet another editing format we will be using is the timing of our shots, for us this will include slow and fast editing which we will use so to create shock, surprise, and suspense. Which will be used throughout our sequence in various different examples for instance  for slow editing in the first flashback when she is in her house appearing to be alone watching something on her television which shall contrast the goings on of her current situation the scene starts of slow, pro longing the tension and contrasting the following scene as the slowness of it can appear rather calm then suddenly it speeds up displaying the sudden change in atmosphere as it becomes more sinister. This is conventional to the genre as this technique has been known to be used within thrillers in order to build suspense for the audience.


1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques and this is because you have not fully explored the editing styles that you would like to include within your production and why you have selected to use certain effects.

    To develop your planning further you need to consider the conventions of a thriller in more detail and the effect that you wish to create. You also need to explore the relationship between your audience in more detail and the emotions that will be created, through the editing styles that you have selected to write about. This will enable your planning to be more detailed.
