Saturday 14 March 2015

Question 4

My thriller appeals to my target audience in a variety of different ways. For instance I decided it would be best to have my victim as the same age as my target audience (adolescents to young adults) thrust making it more relatable to them so that they were able to understand her more as well as being better able to picture themselves in her situation hence enabling them to have a better understanding for what my victim who I portrayed named Brittany is going through. All of this is important as it helps the audience to build a better relationship with the character of Brittany as they feel more emotions towards her and are therefore hoping for a better outcome. This creates further intensity for audience members as they watch with more interest hoping more deeply for a better outcome for her. Hence film makers wouldn't be able to achieve this if the audience felt a less strong bond with the character as well as feeling less sympathy for them as they naturally wouldn't care as much making the situation less intense for them meaning that the narrative wouldn't be as effective spoiling the effect of the film.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a proficient analysis of how your sequence would appeal to your target audience, referring to specific examples that you have included and explaining how and why they would appeal to them; however, you need to elaborate on the importance of having a target audience.

    You need to:
    1) Elaborate on the importance of establishing an audience first
    2) Elaborate on why you have chosen this age group as your target audience (thrill seekers etc.)
